Monday, January 10, 2011

Detoxify your skin and Remove cellulite

skin brush
Detoxify your skin and Remove cellulite

Yesterday I was with an old friend of mine who happens to be Town and Country’s Beauty editor.  We began discussing my blog and I started telling her how I want to reach out to everyday women and bring them health, beauty, and fitness tips and secrets that are affordable and realistic.  She gave me a fantastic tip that has been all the rage in the beauty industry recently.  She told me all about Dry Brushing.  She Dry Brushes every morning before she takes her shower and she says that its an amazing invigorating way to start the day.    

Two health benefits of Dry Brushing that really appeal to me are detoxifying your skin and removing cellulite.  This is a very inexpensive, non-invasive way of energizing your body and giving your skin a more youthful appearance.  It also boosts your immune system and stimulates circulation.  Its like giving yourself a full body facial, it removes all your dead skin!  All you need is one soft all-natural brush that you can purchase at any health food store. 

Here is how to do it:

1.            Brush your dry body before you shower or bathe, preferably in the morning.
2.            Start at your feet and always brush toward your heart. Use brisk circular motions or long, even strokes.
3.            Brush all the way up your legs, then over your abdomen, buttocks, and back. If you have cellulite on your hips and thighs, concentrate their a little longer. For complete dissolving of cellulite, brush for 10 minutes daily for several months.
4.            Brush lightly on sensitive areas like breasts and more firmly on areas like soles of the feet.
5.            When you reach your arms, begin at your fingers and brush up your arms, toward your heart. Brush your shoulders and chest down, always toward your heart.
6.            Avoid brushing anywhere the skin is broken or where you have a rash, infection, cut or wound.
7.            Finish by taking a shower and if you choose, use cold/hot therapy to further stimulate the lymphatic system and improve circulation.
8.            Dry off vigorously and massage pure plant oils into your skin such as almond, sesame, avocado, coconut, olive or cacoa butter.

Make dry brushing part of your daily routine, you should start seeing real results after a few weeks.

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