Thursday, January 6, 2011

Start your day with an energy boost

I have recently cut caffeine out of my diet. Skipping my morning coffee has been a challenge since my son is a very early riser.  I have tried replacing that caffeine boost by drinking water and orange juice for a little natural energy.  Lets face it though, sometimes you need a little something extra to get a jump start to your day.  One thing that gets me moving is a fresh vegetable juice. The vegetables that i chose to make this juice also help jump start my diet. 

There is an equinox gym a block away from my apartment and they have a fresh juice stand.  I always ask for the same thing.  I order spinach, parsley, lemon, ginger, and green apple.  The juice is green and looks too healthy to taste good, but really its not that bad I promise.  You can make this drink in your own home if you have a juicer.  The ingredients are self explanatory. Read below as to why this juice is a smart choice.

Besides containing a variety of essential vitamins and minerals, each of the ingredients have many health benefits.  Check it out...

Spinach is full of antioxidants. This vegetable contains twice as much iron as many other greens. Spinach has been shown, in many studies, to have strong anticancer properties as well. It is also known to be an effective colon cleanser as well as an intestinal healer and helps to prevent inflammatory disease of the teeth and gums.
Parsley is known for settle the stomach and improve the appetite.  It is often used as a diuretic and therapy for kidney stones.

Lemon acts as a cleansing agent. It is a natural antiseptic and is rich in vitamin C, which helps rejuvenate the skin from within.  Lemon juice has an antibacterial property, which helps in fighting throat infections, sore throat…  It also paves the way for WEIGHT LOSS.
Ginger is linked to colon cancer prevention, it cures morning sickness, motion sickness, reduces pain and inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties.  Ginger helps prevent colds and flu and is often used as a treatment for colds and flu. It also is known to relieve pain from migraines.
Apple have natural sugars increase energy level.  Apples are also a good source of fiber, which aids in proper digestion and rids our bodies of toxins.  They are also a great source of anti-oxidants.

Go try it out and let me know what you think!

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